Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Shopping Serenity

When it comes to buying Coach Handbags, or any other designer article why is it that we always have to be careful of all the fakes, replicas, counterfeits and knockoffs that have submerged our market? I cannot imagine one popular model of Coach Handbag that has not been copied (now we do not say copy anymore, the new term "en vogue" is inspired, "Coach Inspired Handbags").

Travel the web to seek for Authentic Coach Handbags and what do you see? Guides, reviews, warnings, tips and advices on how to spot a fake Coach handbag. So you can imagine how far we have gone with this market of counterfeits.

Don't get me wrong, informing all the loyal Coach customers on the existing risks of being victim of a fraud is very noble. But when writing warning reports for Coach fake handbags, someone has to be on top of the actuality because this market is changing fast, adapting itself with every new collection, improving the obvious "do not buy!" details, evolving.

Did you know for example that Authentic Coach Handbags are not only handcrafted in the United States but also in China, India, Philippines, Mauritius, Italy, Spain, Turkey, Korea, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and Thailand?

Even though I am a undeniable fan of authentic Coach handbags, I will not write a guide on how to avoid to be a victim of a fake Coach handbag but I will suggest to you a site that came to my attention and which looks very promising: Authentic Coach Handbags

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